Personal branding

Show yourself in cyberspace as you want others to see you. Create the ideal setting for collective participation and shared creativity. Convert your followers into leads. Really communicate, with the distinctive style that textinnova carves out for you. Your personal brand makes you different, unique and relevant, either as a company or as a professional. That’s why it’s essential to design a strategic plan that defines your identity in interactive contexts, positions you in SEO and helps you build a positive online reputation. Because the image that users build and transfer to the offline environment depends on the one you put forward. The Internet provides you with the spaces to build your 2.0 personality: blogs, microblogs, news portals, websites, social media, etc. We create the content that best suits your profile and your market, so you generate valuable traffic to those spaces, as well as trust between the members of the various virtual communities.

How we build your personal brand

We present your brand using authenticity and credibility, and we convey the ideals and principles that make you distinctive to your audience. We portray you as you are so you arouse the empathy that will increase your engagement and maximise your impact. With this in mind, we produce genuine texts that say a lot about you, meticulously crafted publications at all levels:

  • Vocabulary. We select meaningful and appropriate terms for your target. We seek accuracy, clarity and simplicity (not simplicity) in the choice of vocabulary, in such a way that you communicate approachability without sacrificing richness of expression. It’s about reaching potential clients or followers and, at the same time, ensuring good indexing.
  • Grammar and spelling. In the same way that a poorly written message would have a devastating effect on the opinion of Internet users, correction is one of the key factors in your success, and we’re particularly careful with it. We review and perfect every detail in each sentence, each construction, each paragraph, etc., because your information and the way you talk about it are both equally important.
  • Style. Setting yourself apart from the competition involves developing a real personality that expresses itself like you. We know your essence attracts when you allow it to be discovered naturally. So, we use the tone and register that reflect it without embellishment and fit with your audience’s preferences.

Plus, we update and innovate content, we maintain a friendly dialogue with your visitors to find out what they want, we plan your digital ecosystem with the contact points where you’ll have a presence. We believe in you and we’re backing your initiative. Trust us with your brand and we’ll make it your most valuable asset.