Publishing services


Much of the prestige of books is due to the secular work of professional publishers who, with good judgement and a significant investment, have chosen the works that make up our literary canon. A coherent editorial catalogue is in itself a work of art. The hard work of selection, coordination and production that once forged the great masters of written culture must be acknowledged. The so-called publishing industry, as it once existed, was sustained by the commitment and business acumen of the publishers, the dedication of their teams, the network of distributors and booksellers and, ultimately, the readers.

However, the world of books has changed due not only to the emergence of digital publishing and the technical simplification of production processes that have made desktop publishing technologies available to any user, but above all due to competition from other entertainment industries and the loss of readers. In an increasingly superficial world flooded with information, there’s little room for leisurely reading as a source of pleasure and knowledge.

However, more books are published nowadays than ever before, in both print and digital formats, and despite the fact that the quality of what is published is not always ideal, books continue to be intellectual objects with a huge amount of added value. Books confer authority, visibility and distinctiveness, helping to build a brand and strengthening corporate identity. They can also be a valuable business marketing tool.

Compared with the commercial ups and downs of books, periodicals have held on to their strong position. From generic newspapers and weeklies to specialized magazines, from blogs through to academic publications, a wide range of media is being deployed to publish and innovate.

How to create flagship publications

The most important thing is to ensure quality. As in nearly every area, quality is the main differentiating factor, the key to success. A publication is only valuable if it’s useful to readers, inasmuch as it provides them with the knowledge they seek and clarifies their doubts on a particular topic, or because it draws them into in a literary universe where they find sensory pleasure, intellectual connection and escape.

This is why it’s extremely important to use painstaking care throughout the entire process of producing the work, from its initial conception through to its publication.

It all starts with a plan

Creative work can be fickle and anarchic at times, but fitting into the editorial content market requires meticulous planning. Otherwise it will just be one more publication in the unnavigable mangroves of digital and printed literature, often designed to feed someone's ego or insatiable search engine indexing.

You need a plan. Companies need a custom-designed corporate publications plan, in which creative strategy, editorial line, target audience and content dissemination channels are defined, with a calendar, a team, a budget. Individual authors also need a plan for conceiving and structuring their work, an editing plan and a publication plan. Where is it going to be published? Who will be involved in producing the work? Will it be published in print or digital format, or following a hybrid formula?

Writing is the foundation

The written work is the essence of a publication and as such it must be valued and recognised. However, not every creation is publishable. Despite the author's good intentions, some works are written without criteria, without planning, without literary value. Works that no publisher would select for their catalogue don't deserve to be published.

Before submitting work to a publisher or considering another way to publish, seek the advice of experts. We can help you improve the structural and stylistic aspects of your work. We also guide you in the process of creating and editing collective publications.

Professional editing and production

A quality edit is much more than just spelling and typing correction. The work must at least undergo a thorough editing and proofreading before typesetting and final layout; once the text has been formatted it will be subjected to one or two proofreading rounds.

In addition to the editors, an editing project also involves proofreaders, designers, layout designers, illustrators, and sometimes translators. The entire process is orchestrated by effective editorial management and coordination.

Editorial advice at all stages of the process

Don't start a publishing project alone. Let yourself be guided. Surround yourself with the best professionals in each field, well managed and coordinated. With real advice.

Publishing channels

The long-awaited moment has arrived to publish the work to which you've dedicated so much time and effort. Which door should you knock on? What are the main publication channels? Asking these questions early on in the project helps steer it in the right direction. The publishing market offers different publication formulas, but not all of them are advisable. In the article "How to break into the publishing market: publication channels and marketing strategy" we analyse this issue further.Llega el ansiado momento de publicar esa obra a la que has dedicado tanto tiempo y esfuerzo. ¿A qué puerta hay que llamar? ¿Cuáles son los principales cauces de publicación? Plantearse estas preguntas desde las fases iniciales del proyecto ayuda a enfocarlo en la dirección adecuada. El mercado editorial ofrece distintas fórmulas de publicación, no todas ellas recomendables.

How does textinnova help you publish?

Similar to the traditional selective publishing model, which, as well as preparing, producing and marketing the publication, sets its own programme, its own editorial policy, its own concept and its own publishing criteria, textinnova offers you the possibility of creating an editorial project tailor made to you.

We advise you all the way through the process. If your company needs to publish content, it has to define a well-structured and coordinated editorial programme, with its own distinctive features. This is the only way it can launch prestigious publications that contribute to highlighting its tangible and intangible assets, elements that will set it apart from other companies in the sector.

This is why we come up with a complete publication plan for your company, ranging from producing articles for periodical publishing through to proposals for creating your own magazine, an ambitious blog and your own catalogue of printed or e-books.

If you are a literary creator and you are looking for a place to publish, we also help you to meticulously edit your work so it reaches a publishable level of quality, and we advise you on the best way to publish your work. Our goal is to raise the quality of publications, not exploit them. We don’t deal with disseminating and commercialising your work, nor do we ask you to transfer your intellectual property rights, which will remain yours at all times.